5 Tailwind Tribe Mistakes You Might Be Making

Tailwind Tribe Mistakes and What You Can Do About Them

Tailwind Tribes can be overwhelming at first. If you don’t have any idea how to use them, they can be just one more thing that you need to learn to run a successful Pinterest campaign. Add it to the list …

If you are brand new to Tailwind and haven’t even gotten started with Tribes, take a look at my getting started on Tailwind Tribes or my Getting started with Tailwind Guides, and click here to try it out. . If you’ve joined Tailwind already but aren’t having the success that you think you should be having, here are the most common Tailwind Tribe mistakes and what you can do about them:

1. Not using Tailwind Tribes

When I first joined Tailwind, I didn’t have a clue how to use Tribes. I was intimidated by them (and SmartLoops, more on that later). So rather than learning about them, or just playing around, I just left them alone. Entirely. I ignored Tailwind Tribes all together.

This is NOT what you should be doing with Tailwind Tribes. Even if you don’t fully understand them and don’t have much time to learn about the best practices or to develop a Tribes strategy, please, please, please don’t just ignore them.

Tailwind Tribes can help you drive tons of traffic to your site. Literally tons. I was using my Tailwind account solely for scheduling. And while the scheduling feature is awesome, it is ignoring a huge potential traffic driver.

Even if you have no idea how to use Tailwind Tribes, and don’t have a ton of time to learn about it, don’t ignore it. Just start. Join five Tribes and add things to them. It doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, even if you do have the best strategy and are a Tailwind Tribes expert, likely you’re not going to join the perfect Tribes right away.

2. Not Joining Five Tribes

With your Tailwind Plus Membership, you get membership into five Tailwind Tribes. Join them all. For most people, it will take a bit of trial and error to find the perfect mix of Tailwind Tribes. The best way to find the best Tribes quickly is to join five right away, actively pin to each of them, and then evaluate their performance.

If you don’t join five, you are missing out on potentially finding the best Tribe for you. So, while you are searching for your Tribes, find five.

Don’t worry if they aren’t perfect. Sometimes Tribes that don’t seem perfect based on traffic, theme, or users end up being the best Tribe for you. I have joined Tribes that I had doubts about, only to be surprised that they are the best ones for me or my accounts.

3. Adding the same pins to all Tribes.

I get it, you just posted a new blog post, and you feel really good about the pin you made to promote it. You want to blast that pin everywhere. You’ve added it to your boards, you’ve posted it to group boards, and you’ve put it in a SmartLoop. It looks good! You want to share it with as many people as possible.

And in most cases, I agree with you. Promote your new posts like crazy! But, don’t add the same pin to all of your Tribes at the same time.

Why not? Because if you are in five Tribes that align with your business, there is a high likelihood that other people are in the same handful of Tribes. Maybe not all five Tribes, but there is probably some overlap. And you don’t want these people seeing the same content from you on the same day in two different places. Because if your pin is in one Tribe, and a member re-pins it, they are NOT going to re-pin it from the second Tribe. Give them the opportunity to re-pin some of your other content.

Keep track of what you added to Tribes and when, and then add the new pin to the other Tribes later.

The exception to this is if your business has two (or more) completely different topics and you are a member of Tribes on these different topics. There may not be the same membership overlap in this case. I still recommend varying your Tribe submissions, but in this case, it may work for you. Especially for seasonal posts.

4. Not Using All the Tribe Submissions

Once you’ve joined, make sure that you are submitting the 30 Tribe pins each month. If you don’t, you are wasting your membership. Submitting all 30 pins ensures that you are getting the most out of your membership, but it also helps you evaluate your Tribes better and faster. If you haven’t submitted all of your pins, you may not be able to tell if a Tribe is performing or not.

5. Being afraid to leave a Tribe that isn’t performing

I am not sure why we get attached to things that don’t help us. It is an interesting phenomenon than most of us are guilty of across our lives. And I am as guilty of this as the next person.

You should be tracking your Tribe performances and evaluating them monthly. And if they are not performing, you should leave them. Keep updating and evaluating Tribes until you find a mix that works for you. And once you do that, keep evaluating which pins work best in which Tribes and try to figure out why.

Tailwind Tribes are not only a great way to promote your content but also a great place to curate content to share with your readers and customers. You can add value to your reader’s Pinterest experience by using the content of likeminded business owners.

I challenge you today. Log in to your Tailwind account and find five Tribes that you think will work for you. Add one pin to each of the Tribes (a different one for each one). Don’t overthink it, just get started! And the next time you log into Tailwind, do the same. Keep doing it.

Because Tailwind is a lot like Pinterest. There are no quick fixes. Be consistent, evaluate and adjust, and Tribes will work for you.

If you still aren’t having success with Tailwind Tribes, take a look here for 5 more Tailwind Tribe mistakes you might be making.

And as always, for regular tips and tricks to get your Pinterest marketing going, sign up for our email. We’ll send you a 5 day Pinterest cleanup challenge!

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Author: jessicaralthoff