3 Keys To Creating Awesome Content For Pinterest

How To Create Awesome Content For Pinterest

You’ve gotten some traffic to your site from Pinterest. Hurray! That’s the goal (or at least one of the goals), isn’t it? But now you’ve got to keep them coming back. You have to create reasons for your audience to keep visiting you. The key? Creating awesome content.

Maybe you don’t have a blog yet (you need one, btw, but I digress … ) or are just getting started with your blog but feel overwhelmed because you don’t know how to create the type of content that keeps people coming back

You do not need to be an expert content creator to make excellent content for Pinterest.

You just need to be authentic and helpful.

Once you’ve done that, you are almost all the way there.

The three keys to creating awesome content are who, what, and how:

1. Know Your Audience

Who are you talking to? What is their relationship to you? It is important to know your audience. If you don’t know your audience, how do you know what they are looking for? If you don’t know your audience, how do you know how to talk to them?

Think of it this way, you would explain how to bake a cake (and probably use different recipes) to a baker in a very different way than you would to a child, right? Well, if you are talking to a child in the way you would talk to a baker, you are going to lose that child.

So, figure out who your audience is, so that you can figure out what to say to them and how to say it.

The best way that I have found to do this is to develop a customer avatar. Get very personal and detailed about who you are talking to so that once you start creating content you can actually talk directly to this person. Ruth Soukup has a great exercise on this.

Now that you know who you are talking about, what are you going to say?

2. Add Value to Your Audience

If you are able to add value to your audience, you can create great content. The kind that people keep coming back for.

Adding value is key, and the first thing you need to do. In my opinion there is no reason to create any content that doesn’t add value. Value can be anything from information, entertainment, humor, influence, or inspiration.

Your product, service, or blog needs to add value to your audience. And if you aren’t adding value, then why are you in business? Great content starts with serving your audience. If you can find a way to make your site useful, your audience will keep reading and keep coming back.

Think about answering a few questions:

  • How can I solve a problem?
  • How can I inspire or motivate my audience?
  • How can I answer their questions?
  • How can I make them laugh?
  • What questions do people usually ask me?
  • Is there a funny or interesting story about how I got here?

You know how your product solves problems right? Well, let your audience know how to use it, what specific problems it can solve, and if there are any problems that it can be used for that are less common.

If you are a service provider, how can your service save time, make something better, or make life easier?

And if you are a blogger, can you tell someone how to do something, style something, or cook something? Can you tell them a little about how you got to where you are?

If you can answer one of these questions, you are giving them something useful, and can create awesome content for Pinterest.

3. Be authentic

Years ago, I worked as a brand manager for a furniture company. It was a very casual work environment with an open office. We had a lot of fun together and because of the close quarters, got to know each other pretty well. In this job, I spent a lot of time on the phone. My co-workers joked about my “phone voice.” And while I definitely had a voice and a tone when I was talking to clients (much more professional than my usual voice, and completely absent of the F-word), I was still myself. Just a more professional version. I still joked with my clients, learned about their lives, and probably told too many long, off-topic stories (the same way I do here…). But, I had my “phone voice” and my regular voice.

It is ok to have the blog version of a “phone voice.” A voice that is a little different than your every day voice, maybe it is more informational or more authoritative. Maybe you are more casual at home. But, whatever your “blog voice” is make sure it is still your voice.

Be authentically yourself. Answer the questions above in your voice. Always.

And that is it. To create awesome content for Pinterest you just need to remember who you are talking to, add value to them, and be authentically yourself.

Need a few ideas on what to actually write about? Take a look at 101 content ideas for Pinterest or our guide to creating content for Pinterest.

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Author: jessicaralthoff