Is Tailwind Worth It?

Is Tailwind Worth It? Yes!

I get asked this a lot. Many of my clients want a cheap strategy and are afraid to spend the extra $10 a month on Tailwind and ask me this question regularly. So, is Tailwind Worth it? Absolutely, 100%, yes. For most small businesses, it is $9.99 per month, and includes scheduling, 5 Tribe memberships with 30 Tribe submissions, and 250 SmartLoop posts plus a whole bunch off analytics.

I totally understand how difficult it can be to part with your hard-earned money when not much of it is coming it. I have been there (still am, really). I also understand how hard it is to determine what is and what isn’t worth it.

Tailwind is definitely worth it.


Tailwind Scheduler

Let’s start with the scheduling. First of all, it is imperative to schedule your pins. Otherwise, you are tied to your computer or phone every single day. Consistency in pinning is one of the most important keys to Pinterest success, so unless you want to be pinning all day, every day, a scheduler is a must. And Tailwind is the only one that Pinterest partners with.

Not only does the scheduler allow you to bulk schedule your pins, but it also lets you bulk upload and drag and drop pins to certain dates and times. And it is unlimited. All to help save you time!

The scheduler also helps you optimize your Pins based on when your audience is most engaged. Without you having to figure that out on your own. If you only use one Tailwind feature (please don’t!), the scheduler alone makes the $10 a month worth it. Just think of all the time you can spend away from your computer if you spend a few hours a week scheduling rather than pinning all day every day!

Tailwind Tribes

I was initially hesitant to try Tailwind Tribes (or intimidated). I also wasn’t convinced Tribes were necessary. I was so wrong.

It took me months to start using Tailwind Tribes. And when I did, I didn’t have a strategy at all. I didn’t really understand them, or think there was any value to them that group boards didn’t share. Again, so wrong.

I also didn’t want to spend the time to learn about how to use them. I thought it would take too long to figure out. Wrong again.

Tailwind Tribes are a legit (and fairly easy) way to let other people send traffic your way. You pin to the likeminded groups (Tribes) and the Tribe members share your content to their audience. It is a great way to get exposure to people that are following similar brands or bloggers.

It is also a great place to curate content for your audience. There is no better place to find content that will add value for your readers or customers than a Tailwind Tribe of likeminded content creators.

And because the other Tribe members are businesses that share a common theme, it becomes much easier to find the content, again saving you time!


SmartLoops allow you to constantly pin your best content without lifting a finger after the initial setup. You add pins to your categorized Loops, assign them to a board, and schedule them based on seasonal or evergreen content. They are scheduled and published forever. No more work to be done! Woohoo.

With the $10 per month subscription, you can add 250 pins to your SmartLoops. For most of my clients, this is plenty. You can always add a powerup if you need more pins. Once your SmartLoops are set up, you’ll notice that your weekly pinning becomes easier as quite a few posts are already filled.

As you have more data on your pins, you can assign only your best pins to SmartLoops. This will ensure that your best pins are always being pinned, giving you even more engagement, shares, re-pins, and clicks.

Notice a theme here? Tailwind is designed to save you time with Pinterest.


The combination of Tailwind, Google, and Pinterest analytics can be overwhelming. But, once you get used to all the info and figure out the best ways to use it for your business, the three work so well together. You can really get a picture of how your Pinterest strategy and marketing are working for you.

Tailwind has insights into board performance, your site, and your individual pins performance.

Obviously, (like everything else) Tailwind will only work for you if you work it. It isn’t a magic pill to immediately increase your Pinterest views and traffic. But it is about as close to it as it gets. Put in a little effort and time each week and make sure you are consistently scheduling and using Tribes and SmartLoops to grow your traffic and I think you’ll find that most definitely, Tailwind is worth it!

If you’ve decided to try Tailwind out but aren’t sure where to begin, take a look at our beginner’s guide to Tailwind. And if you have tried it and are still asking yourself “is Tailwind Worth it?” Take a look at a few reasons why your Tailwind strategy might not be working.

And as always, if you are interested in getting Pinterest marketing strategies and tips delivered directly to your email, click here. We’ll send you our 5 day Pinterest cleanup challenge.

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Author: jessicaralthoff